Greatest Growth Statement
I believe that this year I have grown in the quality persistence. At the beginning of the school year, many of my projects lacked effort as well as creativity. Often times they were very plain and not much time was spent on them. For example, when I had to create a cell diagram for biology with two other people there was descriptions for each of the different parts but the overall illustration of the cell did have a lot of color and had all the necessary parts but there was not much effort put into it. Throughout the year I have learned to spend more time on projects and put a lot more time and effort into my work and have demonstrated a lot of persistence. One project specifically that I have worked very hard on is the Genocide Poster Project. This project reflects persistence through the visual metaphor that it portrays. Persistence is important to the Dayton Regional STEM School because it displays the culture at here at STEM through how we complete our projects and how we go about our work and tests/quizzes. Here at STEM we strive for the best that we can be and are very persistent. This quality is important outside of Dayton Regional STEM School because when I go onto college and I have to work on an assignment there then I can take the skills of persistence that I obtained at the STEM school and use them in my work, such as studying for an exam. I can use persistence when I am studying the course the exam is over to get a good score.
You can click the image below to go to the Conflict and Genocide Poster Project reflection.