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Westcott House Video

Westcott House Video (Link to Video) In this project we went to the Westcott house and took pictures of things that represent geometry. Then we created a video with the pictures to represent a geometric theme, ours was repetition. After our video was done we had to create an artist statement saying what our video was and what we wanted the viewer to see. In this project I learned that geometry is all around us!

Primary Document.png

Primary Document.png

A primary document is something that is from the source such as my own which is pictures that were taken for me. My Primary document is of me with multiple politicians. It shows that I really enjoy politics and have a strong passion for it. (And I do!)

Learner Profile.png

Learner Profile.png

I am a visual learner who gains from diagrams, RAHAing and learning things through a video. I am a visual learner because when I study things by looking at the visual representation of it and linking it to the words. For example, if I study a diagram of the brain I am able to understand the functions better because I have seen a visual representation of it.

Wellness Plan

Wellness Plan

In this project we had to create two short term goals to help us achieve one long term goal. My long term goal had to contribute to one of the areas of health on the health triangle. My long term goal contributed to my physical health since I want to be fit in the winter and not just in the summer.

I am what I am Poem

I am what I am Poem

This Poem was for language arts. In it I included Metaphors, Similes and Paradoxes. In writing this poem, I learned that I can come up with a lot of things on the spot pretty quickly and that I really enjoy writing poems. I also learned that culture isn't just tradition and what you family does but its who you are.

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