Fitness Goals
In Wellness and Fitness, my cardiovascular endurance has grown. This means that I can run for a longer period of time then I could before. Before I could run for approximately 8 minutes, now I can run for about 19 minutes. One project that supported my growth is my Wellness plan. My Wellness plan shows how each day I ran a little bit longer than I did the day before. The purpose of this project/assignment was to improve in one health area of our lifestyle.
In order to complete this project/assignment, we first chose what area we wanted to improve, I chose being more active. We learned about smart goals which means S-Specific, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Relevant, and T-Timely. Which then we created 1 long term goal and two short term goals which had to follow the lines of a SMART Goal. My long term goal was I will perform 60 minutes of exercise per day for 3 days a week instead of 2 days. My two short term goals were I will complete physical activity for 60 minutes a day for 2 days a week instead of 3 days a week for 6 weeks and I will perform upper body strength exercises for 20 minutes for 2 days a week instead of 0 days a week for 6 weeks. We wrote these out in a plan and then would log each day, how much of our goal we completed. So if I completed 30 minutes of physical activity then I would log that and what I did. At the end of the project/assignment, we created a wellness calendar that showed what physical activity we completed and when. It also showed what goal was for which week.
One artifact or piece of evidence from this project/assignment is my wellness calendar. The wellness calendar is a calendar that we write which goal we are working on and then on the day we do something that contributed to our wellness plan we would log it into our calendars and on day that we didn’t do anything to contribute we would log nothing for that day onto our calendars. When we started our new goal, we would start a new calendar. This artifact shows that I have improved in my cardiovascular endurance since each day that it shows how much I ran, the number of minutes increases a little bit each day. At the beginning of the year I could only run around 2 minutes and now I run about 18 minutes. This shows how I have improved in my cardiovascular endurance because I can run longer than before. Another way that I have improved is because I am more active each day then I was before. Before I only got around 40 minutes of physical activity 3 days a week I get around 60 which is the amount that I’m supposed to get each day. My wellness plan calendar shows this because on the days that I was supposed to complete physical activity for the day, I logged around 70 minutes, which is more than needed. Another artifact I can use is my wellness plan goals, these show that I leanred what a SMART Goal is and also what I wanted to achieve. These were included in my wellness plan.

Artifact 1 : Wellness plan calendar

Artifact 2 : Wellness plan long term and short term goals