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Learning root words


In language arts over the course of the year we have been learning Greek/Latin root words.  This year in language arts class I have learned the roots of a lot of the words I see every day which has benefited me greatly. 


We learned these root words by being given a list each week of about 20 greek/latin root words and we would have to memorize what their meaning are by the end of the week.  At the end of the week, we would have a quiz over the all of the roots and their meanings. Fo example the quiz would give me a word with the root in all caps and I would write down its meaning (Exp: taxiDERMy and my answer would be skin because derm means skin).  The next week, we would have a quiz over what we lists we have learned up to that point.  For example, if we have learned list 1-5, we would have a quiz over the lists 1-5.  The lists would include around 7 words from each lists and we would not know which ones till the quiz so we would have to study all of them.  We learned these by creating flashcards for the vocabulary words at the beginning of the week and using them to study for the quiz that occurs at the end of the week.  Also to help us study, we play Pictionary as a class the day before the quiz depending on if we have time or not. 


One artifact I could use for this project would be the flashcards from one of the lists that we learned.  This artifact would show what types of roots we were learning and how we learn them.  Another artifact I could use could be one of the quizlet links we use to study the flashcards to how the different tools we have available for studying.  This artifact would show that with the different tools provided, it benefits me and my grade.


Learning these vocab words will benefit me in the future because if I am taking the SAT and there is word that I do not understand on it, I can use the root words involved in it to find out what the word means.  For example, the word Taxidermy.  I know that taxi means arrangement and derm means skin so I know that it has to do something with arranging skin.   Overall, learning these words have helped to better understand the words that I see and sometimes don’t know what they mean which has been really beneficial in my everyday life when I am learning.  Learning these root words has helped my studying habits, I now use flashcards for a few of my other classes to help me study which has increased my quiz scores and increased my grades.

Artifact 1: Flashcards

Artifact 2 : Link to quizlet

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